Thursday, October 16, 2008


My first semester in college is halfway done. While I am enjoying being at school, and though I am enjoying my classes, I am feeling somewhat disheartened. I really was hoping that my major would be much more art related. I suppose I should have known this before, but it does nothing to help with the disappointment.
Am I the only one who would have expected a web DESIGN program to be art-related? I am not even two months into school, yet I already want to do something different. I enjoy my classes, but it feels just like high school. I'm not exactly sure what I had expected, but things haven't caught up to those expectations yet. I feel like I should have listened to my cousins, Alyssa and CT, about choosing a school. I talk to Deanna about her college experiences so far at UT at Austin, and feel myself becoming envious. She tells me about how exciting her classes are, how they give her new ideas, and how she has fun cooking for her seventy people in her co-op. I don't know if that's what I expected college to be like, but it sounds incomparably better than how I've spent the semester so far. When I'm not in class learning, or reviewing more like it, I'm usually at work, and if I'm not at work, I'm sitting in my room alone on my computer.
I find myself wanting to be challenged, to learn something new, to create art, to do something, to meet interesting people, or at least have friends in Waco. I'm tired of sitting in my room on Facebook. I'm sick of going over basic things in class.
When does it get better?


Alyssa G said...

College is a learning experience above all else! You can always transfer next year.

Unknown said...

Spend some time researching schools that would be better suited to your goals and aspirations and work toward transferring. You have my support!

Britt said...

I know you wrote this a while ago but here's my input. You don't have to know what you want to do with your life the first year out of high school. You learning that Web Design isn't what you want to do is just something you can check off in the list of bazillion things you can do. You are incredibly intelligent and creative, I have full faith in you. As a wise woman (who happens to be my mom and your aunt) always says, "This too shall pass".